you have see my classmates to know what great fun we have together.Ther are 32of mixed people we are.Some are never take time off for everything , but most of us are not bad. We are no the look ont for every opportunity of having fun.
For after all one is young only once and this is the last year of school . once we go our different ways——jobs , study , university——We really don't know when we will meet or what forms our lives will take .
I am going to miss my classmates. There are some I will miss more other , for there are so different and so dear in their own ways. I am denfinitely going to miss Sin Yi . Now she have go to singapor for working. There is never a moment when she does not have something up sleere. She looked so funny ! When the class was over , we tought that me would these she.

All these years that we have been together , and always in fits of laughter~