11 OCT 2011
Is such as long time din't TOUCH my blog
since I was starting my college life. ( haven't updating my blog for 6 MONTH ago, i think..LOL
) Im getting more busy at the assignment thing and
seriously i don't where to start and what should write here..SIGH
seriously i don't where to start and what should write here..SIGH
Well, in this post I will be write what happening this theme in my college life. This second theme is more busy in last first theme. The most hard work's is 3D and drawing 2! Our whole class was been crazy when we rush our assignment/final work's (that's why I no time to updating my blog/ and kinda lazy also haha,sry-..-)
(photo with lecturers when after presentation at 3D class)
after class we whole class suggestion when to penang sunrise MCD for having meal. I'm not a FAST FOOD LOVER but i was SUPPER HUNGRY
cause i didn't ate breakfast, so that is my 1st time to order and buying MCD set ( MCD chicken burger heehe
this is another final work's here, drawing 2, the nude drawing( A2 size) It was spen almost 4,5week to done it Zzz... Is using by black paper and white choco pencil
Okay.It was all the post and finish write to update my blogger.
Anyway, thanks a lot you manage to find time reading this blog.
cause there will be more photo and write to share on this blog.
So, if can , please welcome back or follow up or stay tuned, always keep in touch my blog (I hope you'll like lt;)
Any comment or like my write all the thing you also can do. thanks:)